
Zawsze szukamy genialnych ludzi.

Chcemy pracować z najlepszymi ludźmi, dlatego jesteśmy bardzo selektywni, jeśli chodzi o poszukiwanie nowego członka zespołu.

W Kube Partners,
 nie ma dwóch takich samych dni

Jesteśmy pasjonatami stawiania sobie trudnych problemów. Chcemy zapewnić idealne środowisko w naszym biurze, w którym każdy czuje się dobrze przygotowany do osiągania doskonałych wyników. Uwielbiamy dzielić się pomysłami i przeprowadzać burze mózgów, a nawet jeśli nie zawsze się ze sobą zgadzamy,

jesteśmy gotowi słuchać i szanować to, co inni mają do powiedzenia. Nieustannie stawiamy sobie wyzwania. Ale kiedy przychodzi czas na świętowanie osiągania naszych kamieni milowych i sukcesów, jesteśmy całkiem dobrzy w urządzaniu dobrej imprezy i dobrej zabawie!

Niektórzy z naszych Kuboidów

Denis, Software Developer

“Working in Kube, sharing ideas and solutions not only encourages me but is the driving force during my working day. I often have the opportunity to participate even in the development of complex projects, an experience that constantly enriches my engineering skills.”

 Alice, Software Developer

“Here we are all part of one big team where we constantly work in a spirit of collaboration exchanging ideas and experience. These are fundamental tools that enable us to face new challenges every day.”

Marco, Data Analyst

“If people see the world through the eyes of their profession, working at Kube Partners I consider myself lucky because I can imagine new horizons still to be explored.”

Daniele, Software Developer

“Working in Kube Partners is a rewarding and educational experience. Appreciation of our commitment to new technologies is combined with a collaborative environment, offering the opportunity to grow professionally.”

Chiara, Data Analyst

“Data analysis at Kube Partners is approached with great competence and seriousness, in the knowledge that technology can only deliver value when it is implemented on the right basis.”

Davide, Data Analyst

“Experimenting with innovation by developing solutions that did not exist before requires a constant reminder of man and his centrality. At Kube Partners, this approach is shared by all and totally indispensable.”

Mattia, Software Developer

“I am proud to be part of Kube Partners because it is an extraordinary place to work in which to develop one’s skills in a multidisciplinary context, thus being able to contribute to the collective success.”

Luigi, Software Developer

“One of the things that struck me most about Kube Partners is the distinctly informal and stimulating environment, able to make you feel immediately at ease and at the same time keep you busy with projects that are always interesting and never banal. Here, every member of the team plays an important role and has visibility on many projects, not just on individual phases. In Kube, you feel you are part of a real team.”


Junior Software Developer

We are looking for a brilliant Junior Software Developer, who is passionate about complex problems and resolving them. If you think that this describes you then please read the full description and send us your application. Before sending us your CV, we invite you to read the privacy policy available here:  Privacy Policy

Data Scientist